Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bon voyage.

I paid my passage there with torment.
They weren't taking dollars
nor any other currency I knew
so I gave them the only thing I had
that meant anything.
Couldn't see their faces
they were all in shadow
or they were shadow, it was hard to tell
where their bodies ended
and the night began.
Floating down the river Styx
emperor of my own odyssey
such a peaceful voyage 
for a place
filled with so much dread.
Heard the echoes
of distant screams
frightened souls
crying out, for mercy
but they could not reach me
with their prying cold dead fingers.
I was beyond them.
I was with them, in my heart
but they could not grasp me
drag me down, into
the eternal pit.
I was floating on my way
to destinies, and parts unknown. 
Bon voyage.

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